Saturday, September 2, 2017



The Black Nobility

In Carthage, the Canaanites called themselves Punics. Rome attacked Carthage in full force, beginning in 264BC and completed their task after killing or enslaving every Carthaginian, by sowing the land to salt so that nothing could ever grow there again. The Edomites descended from Esau later intermarried with the Turks to produce a Turco-Edomite mixture which later became known as Khazars - who are the present occupants of Israel. These Canaanites eventually adopted the name "Sepharvaim" for deceptive purposes. They later became known as Venetians, and by marrying into European royalty and aristocracy, the "black nobility." The Venetians today control the Federal Reserve system in the US. ...

Black Nobility Terror


A wealthy and powerful oligarchy of banks, corporations, and dynastic families and institutions, runs the world. This elite group exercises control through interlocking boards of directors and stock ownership, acting through private clubs, societies and institutions, dominating national governments, both democratic and authoritarian.
Behind a façade of wealth and privilege, the octopus arms of the Plutocracy Cartel embrace every region of the globe, generating obscene profits from its activities, including weapons trafficking, funding wars and controlling the global trade in drugs. And, as they accumulate more and more wealth and power, they undermine democracy, exploit the weak and vulnerable, ruin lives, and kill hope for millions.
The endgame of this plutocracy is global financial domination and world government.


The BRICS Bank: Next Stop On The Road To World Currency | Real Currencies

The New World Order is a group of ancient banking families that rule through money.
Money is half of each transaction, transactions cannot take place without it. It is the gateway to all goods, services and resources. By keeping money scarce, they keep everything scarce. Through Usury they take their cut in every transaction.
Through control of money, they have acquired 90% of the hard assets on the planet. Not only that, they suck away 90% of the common man’s life force through Usury, taxation and the artificial scarcity of their Transnational Cartel. ‘None are more hopelessly enslaved than they who think they are free’.
They control all nations through their States: the Jews, the Americans, the Europeans, the Russians, the Chinese. They use these nations for different purposes and to pit peoples against each other.
They rule through dialectical pseudo ‘conflicts’, where both protagonists slug it out to amuse the public, while working together towards hidden common purposes. For instance: Marxism and Capitalism are both materialist and monopolies, the hidden common features that really matter to the Money Power.
People within these dialectics believe the conflict is real and they don’t have to actually report to the Bankers to do exactly what they want them to do.
Our current era is about the take down of the American Empire, which has served the Plutocracy well, but is now, with its heavily armed and fiercely independent people, the last block that has to be taken down to usher in the Global Despotism they have been working towards for so, so long now.
The BRICS Bank is anti Petrodollar, not anti Money Power.


Prince Charles ignores how he and his father (the Black Prince) and brother Prince Andrew were the real controllers of the 9/11 attacks using the Guild of Air Pilots and Air Navigators under the Most Honourable Military Order of the Bath to plan the attacks and then using Bombardier Master Trust and the Royal Canadian Air Force to execute the air attacks followed by aid from the North Atlantic Treaty Organization and the British Ministry of Defence. The British Ministry of Defence’s Geoff Hoon had full control over the U.S public key infrastructure right after the attacks that day. First of all the power over the U.S was diverted by NATO into Chicago rather than the required U.S protocol. NATO then directed this power out of Chicago and over into Britain under the Ministry of Defence and into the hands of Geoff Hoon and non other than war criminal crusader, Tony Blair and John Prescott. I also believe the Worshipful Company of Shipwrights were involved in the missile attack on the Office of Naval Intelligence in the Pentagon on 9/11 aided by Amec PLC. Now please study who heads the Shipwrights and the Order of the Bath and you will find it is none other than Prince Charles. The Guild of Air Pilots and Air Navigators have since been upgraded by Queen Elizabeth II (a nefarious Venetian Guelph descendant) and is now known as The Honourable Company of Air Pilots which is run by Grandmaster Prince Andrew of all people. So we have this parasitic British (German) royal family creating the events of 9/11 as a false-flag in order to invade and steal nations and resources as well as build their world government. These attacks on the United States would then be used (Project for a New American Century) by New Venice by proxy through their covert colony of the United States (USA Financial LTD) dominated from Wall Street and of course Richmond, Virginia. It should interest people who try to connect the Bush family to the 9/11 attacks that George H.W, Scherff is also a member of the Most Honourable Military Order of the Bath like the Royal Air Force Baron who devised the 9/11 air attacks. This order is based on the idea of bathing in blood and we all know how the Royals like to walk on red carpets and have red strips and sashes on their military clothing. The color red is also symbolism of the planet Mars being the God of war controlling your combativeness, strength, anger and assertiveness.

The Rothschilds in India (BRICS)-m2ci0WJzAfw